
About the influenza vaccines

  • Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself against severe complications from Influenza
  • In the Yukon, there are 3 different types of flu vaccines offered based on age
    • Live, weakened nasal vaccine available for clients ages 2 to 17 (Flumist®)
    • Inactivated high dose vaccine for available  clients ages 65 and older (Fluzone® High Dose)
    • Inactivated vaccine available  for everyone 6 months and older (Fluzone®)

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    • Everyone 6 months of age and older is recommended to get the flu vaccine every fall
    • Children under 9 years of age who have never had a seasonal influenza vaccine need 2 doses.  The 2nd dose of the vaccine is important to raise their level of protection and should be given 4 weeks after the first dose.
    • During pregnancy, the risk of complications from influenza is much higher for yourself and infant. The inactivated influenza vaccine is very safe and highly recommended for pregnant people.  
    • People who are potentially capable of transmitting influenza to those who are at high risk should receive the vaccine
      • This includes: Health care workers, those working with vulnerable populations, and households with children under 6 months and those who cannot be immunized
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    • Influenza (flu) is a respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and lungs.
    • Some people, such as young children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with certain health conditions, are at are at especially high risk of severe influenza illness.
    • Most people recover from influenza in 7 to 10 days, while others may have severe symptoms that can result in hospitalization or death.
    • Flu season generally runs from October to April. Due to the speed with which influenza viruses evolve, flu vaccines need to be continually updated to keep up with emerging strains of influenza viruses.
    • Influenza is spread through respiratory droplets from an infected person coughing or sneezing.
    • It can also be spread by touching contaminated surfaces or objects, and then touching your mouth, eyes or nose.
    • Symptoms usually appear within 1 to 4 days and can include:
      • fever;
      • coughing; muscles pains;
      • chills; and
      • extreme fatigue.
    • A person with influenza is also at higher risk of getting other infections, including pneumonia, an infection of the lungs.
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    • This vaccine is safe and very effective.
    • Vaccination is the best way to protect against influenza and its complications.
    • When you or your child get vaccinated, you help protect the spread to others too.
    • This vaccination is free in the Yukon to people 6 months of age and older. 
  • Body (Answer)
    • Common reactions to the shot may include redness, tenderness and swelling at the injection site. Some may develop a fever, headache, fatigue, or digestive problems. These are generally mild and last 1 to 2 days.
    • Side effects of the immunization are easy to relieve. Apply a cold, damp compress to the site. If needed, give a pain reliver like acetaminophen. Talk to your health care provider if your symptoms are severe or last longer than 48 hours.
    • It's important to stay at the clinic for 15 minutes after getting the vaccine because, although it's very rare, some people might have a severe allergic reaction. The clinic can treat it right away. This happens to less than 1 in a million people. If you have a reaction after leaving, call 911 or your local emergency number.

Find out how to get immunized